I know, I haven't blogged in a gabillion months and a zillion weeks; to be honest I lost some inspiration after my vacation to South America (I knew I should've gone to Asia!) But I am back! Hope you guys will come back with me!
Today, I went to check out the Japanese Summer Festival at Mitsuwa = A day full of food, games and of course shopping!

I love anything with bows
just lovely!
welcome back
BreezeyBee Blog
wonderful photographs, your blog is soo lovely by the ways, i will be visiting it again very soon :)
So glad to discover this site! Yes, there are a lot of fashionable asians and I love the stars in airports! I need to brush up on my Asian Actress knowledge!
aw this seems SOOO fun!!!! I love festivals!
your blog is adorable!
thanks for your comment, and I bet you can pull metallic jeans off!
I definitely wanna go to a flea market in NYC, can you recommend any?
welcome back :)
i really like your striped off-the-shoulder top! i love watching the (taiko) drums.
I love Mitsuwa!!! We have a small 1 store grocery building in a suburb about 1 hour from the city, since I live in downtown chicago! Love going there to get that pudding you know which one I am talking about in the refrigerated section? This was a nice festival and I think you need to get one of the summer kimonos ;)
Lovely photos, totally captures what a lovely day that day was. And lol... I want a yukata of my own as well! I really like your blog, I was looking at your older posts and I really love your Airport Fashion post.
Following you now, do check out my blog if you have the chance to.
A Single Girl's Musings
Your friend's yukata is so pretty! Is this the Mitsuwa Plaza in Fort Lee? I feel like the scenery in the background looks really familar :P I haven't been to Mitsuwa in years :)
NYC got a good reputation when it comes to food and fashion. Yes, I would love to get some help, hope that we can still keep in touch :)
looks like a lot of fun!
i love your friend's yukata ♥
omg jealous!!! my friends went to this to!
i hope everything will continue to approve over there in Japan!!!
I've been to the Mitsuwa in Jersey and going there is not a regular shopping trip, it is like an event - you can't avoid spending HOURS at that place!
hahaha that first picture made me laugh out loud. lol. looks like a great time, love the blog chick. :)
love, rach.
Floral yukata is to die for! So fabulous!
hugs and kisses by Mani.
Look like a great event!I haven't attend this kind of event! Hope I will have the chance. :)
Omg , that looks fun :D , ive always wanted to go to one and i might be going to the one in torrance, ca . Your friends yukata is soo pretty and now i want one T^T
Omg , that looks fun :D , ive always wanted to go to one and i might be going to the one in torrance, ca . Your friends yukata is soo pretty and now i want one T^T
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