If you are interested in vintage clothing then this blog post is for you!
I started watching this Hong Kong TVB drama last week and it is soooo dramatic. It takes place during the 1940's in Guangzhou, China (which I find, has the best fashion in Chinese history because that was when eastern and western styles began to merge) during a time where crooked cops worked with the mafia (Sheren Tang plays The "Godsister") and the Japanese starts a war with the Chinese. I'm up to episode 11 and I have a headache from all the yelling that goes on in every episode but I'm really liking the costumes in this series. The costume designers/stylists didn't skimp on the details, especially when dressing Sheren Tang, the star of the show. Below are some of my favorite looks from "Miss Nine."

Don't know how historically accurate it was for a woman to be in menswear during the '40's but it makes her look more powerful than Wayne Lai's character (right).
This white jacket is probably my favorite, she's worn it in a couple of scenes, can't tell from this picture but it has floral pattern on it, simply gorgeous!
This red dress looks a lot like something my mother had in the '70's, love the bold red color!
The jacket with the slits is so 2010! Recently saw something similar in a fashion magazine!
A better look at Sheren's bright blue cape/jacket; looks like something we can wear today.
I noticed that they have Sheren in the brightest outfits, while everyone else in the mafia wears dark/muted clothing. It gives her a sense of power over everyone else and makes her stand out more in group scenes. I really hope Sheren wins best actress again this year at the TVB Anniversary Awards, very well deserved!
Hope you guys enjoyed my vintage fashion post! ;P
oooh you're right, the fashion in this drama looks great. i'm also a sucker for hairdos from the 40's -60's too hehehe ...it's just too bad they're too difficult for me to style day-to-day :(
hey annie, thanks for commenting on my blog!
a great blog you have here. i love love LOVEEE the way you comment on diff asian (celebrity) fashion.. yes you are right, asian fashion is THE BEST!
oh btw, i reli like the clothes above as well!
I love this drama too. I think her hair and lipstick makes her look fierce!
I love this drama I'm watching it right now, I'm glad that you picked up the vintage look cos the other day I was saying to myself that the costume department did a fantastic job this time on styling the actress :)
great post !
thanks so much for ur compliments at my blog :)
glisters and blisters
I've never seen this drama, but it looks really interesting! Haha I love looking at the fashion and admiring everyone's outfits in dramas too :P
Hey! Nice post on the costumes of No Regrets! =D Hmm, I also like the type of clothes she wore when she first came out of the car in episode 1 (if you still remember haha; the one with the hat LOL). Totally gives her the imposing presence. I think it makes her look like a royalty! =D
Hey, saw your comment on our No Regrets blog. Nice place yourself! And this is a very insightful post about her outfits. You mentioned a bunch of things I hadn't thought about... I think my favorite is the white shirt, red vest, pinstripe pants combo. Hot and slimming! <3 I will definitely stop by again soon~
i love how the white jacket has a little flair in the lapel! so cute! that jacket would be so great to have!
ty for following and visiting my blog!!!! i truly appreciate it!!!!! <3
omg i love this drama!!!! i also love 9mui's fashion too.. i think a lot of her clothes can be modified to wear now!
I love the RL bag. It's beautiful.
word up, a lot of whats stylish does come from the east! you said it right girl:) i love your coat btw... wish i could pull that off with hte Philippine heat we have!:) glad to discover your blog:)
hope you check out/follow me if youd like?
Yes I love all the outfits of 九姑娘 in this drama too !!! Her clothes are all so stylish and some of it feel so Calvin Klein ! lol...
Love her and hope she can get the best female actress this year too ^^
thanks for posting this! I love her clothes in this series as well. I wondered if I was the only one who noticed. I wish I could find something similar to it somewhere. Her hairstyle is also very nice. The men's hair (especially her dad's) look fake though.
Love the post! i personally like this the best!
and also
nevertheless, i love Miss 9's entire wardrobe! Her makeup and hair goes perfectly with all her clothes. She lets off a powerful aura. Seriously, if I were put in a room with miss 9, i'd feel like a mouse on a cat's dinner plate.
Hi Annie, thanks for the post! Btw i also like Ma Lai Wah and Ching Ching's demure vintage look. Do you know where one can buy vintage clothing like these?
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